MIL-C-48286A (PA)
*3.3 Performance. - Unless otherwise specified, all tests
on the ejection charge shall be performed at ambient temperature.
*3.4 Immersion (Leakage) test. - The charge assembly shall
show no evidence. of leakage while completely immersed in water
in a sealed chamber, with the pressure in the chamber reduced
below atmospheric pressure an amount equivalent to between one
and one-half (1 1/2) to two (2) inches of mercury (Hg) for
fifteen (15) seconds. After completion of this test, the charge
assembly shall be capable of proper functioning.
*3.5 Environmental tests. -The charge assembly shall be
capable of' proper functioning after being subjected to the
following sequence of tests of MIL-STD-810B:
- Method 503
Temperature Shock
Humidity (-Cycling) - Method 507, Procedure 1
-Method 514.1 Equipment Catalog C.-
with.out vibration isolator
tempering, annealing, and stress-relieving)" operations, shall be
performed in such a manner as to produce the specified properties
uniformly throughout' the" entire lot. The contractor shall deter-
mine the detailed procedures to produce parts meeting.the required
mechanical properties. These procedures shall be documented and
submitted with the first article sample to the Contracting Officer.
Changes in these.procedures shall also be documented and submitted
to the Contracting Officer.
- All parts and assemblies shall be fabri-
3.7 Workmanship
cated and f i n i s h e d in a thorough, workmanlike manner. They shall
be free of burrs, chips, sharp edges, cracks, unblended radii,
surface defects, dirt, grease, rust, corrosion products, and other
foreign matter. The cleaning method used shall not be injurious
to any parts, nor shall the parts be contaminated by the cleaning
agents. All marking and stamping shall be neat and sharply defined.
3.8 Submission o-f results of contractor-conducted examinations
and tests. -
my of his examinations or tests to the designated address as speci-
fied in 6.4.
For Parts Inquires call Parts Hangar, Inc (727) 493-0744
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business