MIL-C-48286A (PA) After three (3) consecutive lots have complied
with the criteria Of, eighty (80) samples shall be
selected from each lot for test. The lot shall be rejected If
two (2) or more samples are classed defective. (see Note 1)
NOTE 1. The samples, regardless of sample size, that have
successfully passed the test shall be held for the functioning
(wet) test,
* Static Functioning of Charge Assembly
(see dwg. 9287785) - Critical
Defect - Three
(315) charge assembles
shall be randomly selected from each lot and tested in accordance
With 4.4.4. The lot shall be rejected if one (1) or more
samples are classed defective. Testing is destructive and test
samples shall not be returned to the lot.
* Functioning (wet) (see dwg. 9287785) - Major
A Defect.
* The samples that have successfully passed
the immersion test of shall be used for this test.
Beginning with the first lot produced and continuing until
three (3) consecutive lots have complied with the acceptance
criteria specified, the two hundred (200) charge assemblies
from 4.3. 3.5.1 shall be tested in accordance with 4.4.5. The
lot shall be rejected if four (4) or more charges are classed
* After three (3) consecutive lots have
complied with the criteria of, the eighty (80)
charge assemblies from shall be used for this test.
The lot shall be rejected if two (2) or more charges are
classed defective.
Functioning (dry) (see dwg. 9287785) - Major
A Defect.
* Beginning with the first lot produced and
continuing until three (3) consecutive lots have complied with
the acceptance criteria specified, three hundred fifteen
(315 ) charge assemblies shall be. selected from each lot and
tested in accordance with 4. 4. 5. The lot shall be rejected
if four (4) or more samples are classed defective.
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